Friday, June 8, 2012


Good day to all my followers and readers, This time is to open a discussion reagring some typical operations that can occur during the discharge of a CBOB cargo, this a real scenario and some opinions differs regarding the way of how the line diplacements volumes has to be calculated. Here below a brief explanation of both scenarios: SCENARIO # 1: DISCHARGING CBOB PARCEL: The ship is arrives to Montreal for discharge two grades, CBOB and Premium Unleaded Gasoline (PUG), the 1st grade discharged was the CBOB, the shore line condition before discharge was as follows: a) A section related to the shore line was full of ULSD and its capacity was 20M3 approx, and other section of line was full of Regular Gasoline 30m3 approx, terminal decide to displace the two portion of the shore line using the product to be discharge by the ship in this way line will remain packed with CBOB. one 1st line displacement of 20m3 into a shore tank lets call it Tk-a, and a second shore line displacement of 30m3 into shore tank called "b" and after the two line displacement the full capacity of the shore line will be packed with CBOB. Then after completion of the line displacements the full discharge will go into TK-C. After completion of the discharge we had the following data to calculate our outturn figures: 1.- Open gauge and close gauge of TK-A (20m3 line displacement ULSD). 2.- Open gauge and close gauge of TK-B (30m3 line displacement RUG). 3.- Open Gauge and close gauge of TK-C (full CBOB discharge). Terminal has provide all the info regarding the product densities contained into all shore tanks for the open gauges and closing gauges. In this case the dilemma is the following: For shore quantity determination which densities we suppose to use to calculate the two shore line displacements? the ones provided by the terminal for the opening and closing gauges? or, we have to use the density corresponding to the product being discharge by the Vessel? (ship's density). I will wait for your commentaries regarding this matter, because I am in a big confusion with my supervisors regarding which densities to use and which don't, I am agree to use the densities provided by the terminal rather the ship's densities. I will wait for your commentaries regarding this matter. Have a nice weekend. Abelardo Eijesser